In the awakening and rush of the times, today’s world is turned towards technology, trapped in screens with the excuse of evolution from ancient times, focussed on attracting attention and showing themselves to be a BEING, which in turn is not true.
Youths in the 21st century, even believers, end up being influenced and want to become influencers on social media, gain fame, likes, want to be widely known by strangers and lose their true identity in Christ.
“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ;”
Youth, you may think ‘it’s just a hobby’, but after a long time, in the distraction, you make it an embarrassment and you stop giving importance to your physical and social reality, but above all you disconnect from the most important thing, God.
You start to crave the recognition and approval of the world, in the form of likes, talk, thoughts and identifying with its ideologies, even if unconsciously, and you automatically abandon the one who gave the best they had for you, losing the only approval you can count on.
‘… Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a friend of the world is an enemy of God.’
2 PETER 2:18-19
18 “For by speaking very arrogant things of vanity, they deceive with the lusts of the flesh and with licentiousness those who were turning away from those who walk in error,
19 ‘promising them liberty, being themselves servants of corruption; for of whom one is overcome, of such he also becomes servant.’
So, Kuriakos Youth, if you feel you have faced this battle, free yourself from the pleasures of this world, you were not called to be known, but to make known the one who sent you, the one who gave you a greater purpose.