Before we begin our study, it’s important to understand why this study has the name ‘5 Solas’.
As Christians know, there was a man by the name of Martin Luther who started something called the ‘Protestant Reformation’. The Protestant Reformation consisted of Martin Luther writing 95 theses that challenged the heretical teachings of the time, which taught a false Jesus and a false Gospel. This Reformation was successful and led to Jesus and the true Gospel being preached again, right up to the present day.
We can also summarise this Reformation in 5 Solas, which are Latin phrases in which the term ‘Sola’ means ‘Only’, so the 5 Solas are as follows:
– Sola Scriptura = Scripture alone
– Solus Christus = Christ alone
– Sola Gratia = Grace alone
– Sola Fide = Faith alone
– Soli Deo Gloria = Glory to God alone
The Bible tells us that we have a race ahead of us, a race that ends only when we arrive before the Throne of God. And the Bible also tells us that in order to run that race, we have to let go of all sin and embarrassment, we have to remain faithful and firm in God’s Word and know what God tells us through it.
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so closely besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1
Nowadays, in top-level races, athletes use their own shoes to be able to run. Each shoe has a ‘sole’, which gives the athlete comfort and ease so that they can run as well as possible.
By way of comparison, we Christians also have ‘’Solas ‘’ that make it easier for us to run. These soles are essential foundations for a Christian, and they are not just 2 solas, but the 5 Solas of the Protestant Reformation.
So we should know that the Gospel and the Truth are presented by Scripture Alone, our Salvation is obtained Only through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, forgiveness for our sins is given only by God’s grace, justification of our sins by grace is given through faith alone, and finally, we know that if we have been saved by God then to God alone be all the Glory.
I hope this short study has helped you understand a little about these 5 Solas that help us run the race that God has for us.
May God’s peace be with you, amen.
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