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Today, in the busyness of the world in which we live, in the growth and eagerness to achieve dreams and desires that were once idealised, man seeks to achieve his goals through often questionable paths.

In the confusion and great desire to reach the destination, even Christian youths get lost along the way, being lured and deceived by the various offers that come their way, forgetting the greater purpose given to them by God.

The question that arises in the midst of all this is: WHAT DRIVES YOU? THE OFFERS OR THE PURPOSE?

But relax youth! This isn’t just happening to you today. In the Bible we can see examples of situations like these, where at certain times in their lives, men of God, during their calling, were presented with offers to stray from the purpose God had given them. One example was Jesus Christ.

LUKE 4:2, 68 e 13

2 And forty days he was tempted by the devil….

6 And the devil said to him, ‘I will give you all this power and its glory, for it has been given to me, and I give it to whom I will;

7 Therefore, if you worship me, all will be yours.

‘8 Jesus answered and said to him: Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’

‘13 When the devil had made an end of all temptation, he departed from him for a little while.’

 At the very beginning of his call, Jesus was tested and tempted by the enemy, the devil, to accept a proposal that apparently seemed beautiful and rewarding, ‘Power and glory’, which today could be ‘Money, fame, prestige, among others, and which ultimately had a single objective, to hinder the plan, the purpose of God that was in Him.

The enemy will always try to stop you from fulfilling the mission that God has given you, through suggestions for the temporary satisfaction of your flesh, saying: ‘It’s okay’; “It’ll only be once”; “God understands that you need it now”; “It’s much more important to feel good, you’re the one who matters”; “Leave the things of God for when you’re older, enjoy life now!”, to distance you from something greater. 

Kuriakos youth! Live under God’s guidance, shield your mind and heart from the things that the world praises and offers. Be moved by your God-given Purpose, for it is greater than any offer or illusion that may arise.

‘There are many purposes in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.’

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